He never said a mumbalin’ word 主竟默然無語
They crucified my Lord, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; They crucified my Lord, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; Not a word, not a word, not a word. They nailed him to a tree, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; They nailed him to a tree, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; Not a word, not a word, not a word. They pierced him in the side, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; They pierced him in the side, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; Not a word, not a word, not a word. He bowed his head and died, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; He bowed his head and died, and he never said a mumbalin’ word; Not a word, not a word, not a word, not a word when they crucified my Lord.
人們將我主釘在十架上,祂竟默然無語,不作聲、無怨言、不發一語。 人們將祂釘掛在木頭上,祂竟默然無語,不作聲、無怨言、不發一語。 人們用槍刺傷祂的肋旁,祂竟默然無語,不作聲、無怨言、不發一語。 祂低垂著頭斷了氣,是這樣無怨言不作聲,不作聲、無怨言、終不發一語。 主竟默然無語,當人們將祂釘在十架上。